Namespace Renci.SshNet.Common
- AsyncResult<TResult>
Base class to encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation that returns result.
- AsyncResult
Base class to encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation.
- AuthenticationBannerEventArgs
Provides data for Renci.SshNet.ConnectionInfo.AuthenticationBanner event.
- AuthenticationEventArgs
Base class for authentication events.
- AuthenticationPasswordChangeEventArgs
Provides data for Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo.PasswordExpired event.
- AuthenticationPrompt
Provides prompt information when Renci.SshNet.KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo.AuthenticationPrompt is raised.
- AuthenticationPromptEventArgs
Provides data for Renci.SshNet.KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo.AuthenticationPrompt event.
- ExceptionEventArgs
Provides data for the ErrorOccured events.
- HostKeyEventArgs
Provides data for the HostKeyReceived event.
- NetConfServerException
The exception that is thrown when there is something wrong with the server capabilities.
- PipeStream
PipeStream is a thread-safe read/write data stream for use between two threads in a single-producer/single-consumer type problem.
- PortForwardEventArgs
Provides data for Renci.SshNet.ForwardedPort.RequestReceived event.
- ProxyException
The exception that is thrown when a proxy connection cannot be established.
- ScpDownloadEventArgs
Provides data for the Downloading event.
- ScpException
The exception that is thrown when SCP error occurred.
- ScpUploadEventArgs
Provides data for the Uploading event.
- SftpPathNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when file or directory is not found.
- SftpPermissionDeniedException
The exception that is thrown when operation permission is denied.
- ShellDataEventArgs
Provides data for Shell DataReceived event.
- SshAuthenticationException
The exception that is thrown when authentication failed.
- SshConnectionException
The exception that is thrown when connection was terminated.
- SshData
Base ssh data serialization type.
- SshDataStream
Specialized System.IO.MemoryStream for reading and writing data SSH data.
- SshException
The exception that is thrown when SSH exception occurs.
- SshIdentificationEventArgs
Provides data for the ServerIdentificationReceived events.
- SshOperationTimeoutException
The exception that is thrown when operation is timed out.
- SshPassPhraseNullOrEmptyException
The exception that is thrown when pass phrase for key file is empty or null.
- TerminalModes
Specifies the initial assignments of the opcode values that are used in the 'encoded terminal modes' value.