Namespace Renci.SshNet.Security
- Algorithm
Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of algorithms must inherit.
- Certificate
Represents an OpenSSH certificate as described in
- CertificateHostAlgorithm
Implements certificate support for host algorithm.
- DsaKey
Contains DSA private and public key.
- ED25519Key
Contains ED25519 private and public key.
- EcdsaKey
Contains ECDSA (ecdsa-sha2-nistp{256,384,521}) private and public key.
- HostAlgorithm
Base class for SSH host algorithms.
- Key
Base class for asymmetric cipher algorithms.
- KeyExchange
Represents base class for different key exchange algorithm implementations.
- KeyHostAlgorithm
Implements key support for host algorithm.
- RsaKey
Contains the RSA private and public key.
- SshKeyData
Facilitates (de)serializing encoded public key data in the format specified by RFC 4253 section 6.6.
- IKeyExchange
Represents a key exchange algorithm.
- Certificate.CertificateType
Used to specify whether a certificate is for identification of a user or a host.