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Getting Started
Run a command
using (var client = new SshClient("", "guest", new PrivateKeyFile("path/to/my/key")))
using SshCommand cmd = client.RunCommand("echo 'Hello World!'");
Console.WriteLine(cmd.Result); // "Hello World!\n"
Upload and list files using SFTP
using (var client = new SftpClient("", "guest", "pwd"))
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(@"C:\tmp\test-file.txt"))
client.UploadFile(fs, "/home/guest/test-file.txt");
foreach (ISftpFile file in client.ListDirectory("/home/guest/"))
Console.WriteLine($"{file.FullName} {file.LastWriteTime}");
Multi-factor authentication
Establish a connection using both password and public-key authentication:
var connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("",
new PasswordAuthenticationMethod("guest", "pwd"),
new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod("path/to/my/key"));
using (var client = new SftpClient(connectionInfo))
Verify host identify
Establish a connection using user name and password, and reject the connection if the fingerprint of the server does not match the expected fingerprint:
string expectedFingerPrint = "LKOy5LvmtEe17S4lyxVXqvs7uPMy+yF79MQpHeCs/Qo";
using (var client = new SshClient("", "guest", "pwd"))
client.HostKeyReceived += (sender, e) =>
e.CanTrust = e.FingerPrintSHA256 == expectedFingerPrint;
When expecting the server to present a certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority:
string expectedCAFingerPrint = "tF3DRTUXtYFZ5Yz0SBOrEbixHaCifHmNVK6FtptXZVM";
using (var client = new SshClient("", "guest", "pwd"))
client.HostKeyReceived += (sender, e) =>
e.CanTrust = e.Certificate?.CertificateAuthorityKeyFingerPrint == expectedCAFingerPrint;
Authenticating with a user certificate
When you have a certificate for your key which is signed by a certificate authority that the server trusts:
using (var privateKeyFile = new PrivateKeyFile("path/to/my/key", passPhrase: null, "path/to/my/"))
using (var client = new SshClient("", "guest", privateKeyFile))
Open a Shell
using (var client = new SshClient("", "user", "password"))
using ShellStream shellStream = client.CreateShellStream("ShellName", 80, 24, 800, 600, 1024);
Switch to root with "su - root"
using (var client = new SshClient("", "user", "password"))
using ShellStream shellStream = client.CreateShellStream("ShellName", 80, 24, 800, 600, 1024);
// Get logged in and get user prompt
string prompt = shellStream.Expect(new Regex(@"[$>]"));
// Send command and expect password or user prompt
shellStream.WriteLine("su - root");
prompt = shellStream.Expect(new Regex(@"([$#>:])"));
// Check to send password
if (prompt.Contains(":"))
// Send password
prompt = shellStream.Expect(new Regex(@"[$#>]"));
Stream data to a command
using (var client = new SshClient("", "guest", "pwd"))
// Make the server echo back the input file with "cat"
using (SshCommand command = client.CreateCommand("cat"))
Task executeTask = command.ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken.None);
using (Stream inputStream = command.CreateInputStream())
inputStream.Write("Hello World!"u8);
await executeTask;
Console.WriteLine(command.ExitStatus); // 0
Console.WriteLine(command.Result); // "Hello World!"