Table of Contents

Class PasswordConnectionInfo


Provides connection information when password authentication method is used.

public class PasswordConnectionInfo : ConnectionInfo, IDisposable



Inherited Members


PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, string password)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.



password is null.


host is invalid, or username is null or contains only whitespace characters.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, string password)


host string

Connection host.

port int

Connection port.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.



password is null.


host is invalid, or username is null or contains only whitespace characters.


port is not within System.Net.IPEndPoint.MinPort and System.Net.IPEndPoint.MaxPort.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, string, ProxyTypes, string, int)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, string password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort)


host string

Connection host.

port int

The port.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, string, ProxyTypes, string, int, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, string password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername)


host string

Connection host.

port int

The port.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, string, ProxyTypes, string, int)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, string password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, string, ProxyTypes, string, int, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, string password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, string, ProxyTypes, string, int, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, string password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername, string proxyPassword)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password string

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

proxyPassword string

The proxy password.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, byte[] password)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, byte[] password)


host string

Connection host.

port int

Connection port.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.



password is null.


host is invalid, or username is null or contains only whitespace characters.


port is not within System.Net.IPEndPoint.MinPort and System.Net.IPEndPoint.MaxPort.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, byte[], ProxyTypes, string, int)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, byte[] password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort)


host string

Connection host.

port int

The port.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, byte[], ProxyTypes, string, int, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, byte[] password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername)


host string

Connection host.

port int

The port.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, byte[], ProxyTypes, string, int)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, byte[] password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, byte[], ProxyTypes, string, int, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, byte[] password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, string, byte[], ProxyTypes, string, int, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, string username, byte[] password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername, string proxyPassword)


host string

Connection host.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

proxyPassword string

The proxy password.

PasswordConnectionInfo(string, int, string, byte[], ProxyTypes, string, int, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

public PasswordConnectionInfo(string host, int port, string username, byte[] password, ProxyTypes proxyType, string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string proxyUsername, string proxyPassword)


host string

Connection host.

port int

The port.

username string

Connection username.

password byte[]

Connection password.

proxyType ProxyTypes

Type of the proxy.

proxyHost string

The proxy host.

proxyPort int

The proxy port.

proxyUsername string

The proxy username.

proxyPassword string

The proxy password.



Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

public void Dispose()


Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)


disposing bool

true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.


Finalizes an instance of the Renci.SshNet.PasswordConnectionInfo class.

protected ~PasswordConnectionInfo()


Occurs when user's password has expired and needs to be changed.

public event EventHandler<AuthenticationPasswordChangeEventArgs> PasswordExpired

Event Type
